Broken pipes, starting from the water meter, which is located within the house, are the direct responsibility of the homeowner. Pipes that leak from the meter pit to the street and beyond are the responsibility of the Service Authority. A homeowner’s standard insurance policy or flood insurance policy may cover the resulting water damage, depending on the cause of the faulty pipe.

Most damages caused by a broken pipe, such as floor restoration and furniture replacement, are covered by your home insurance company. Accidental water damages are covered by your insurance company, but poor maintenance is. The insurance will cover the repairs of the damages caused by the broken pipe and labor to replace it, but will not cover the pipe itself.

Flood insurance covers water damages resulting from floods. Generally, broken pipes are not covered by the typical flood insurance policy unless a flood caused the fault. Floods, as defined by the National Flood Insurance Program, are unnatural water incidents that partially or completely deluge two or more households or two or more acres of normally dry land in water.

Whenever a homeowner places a claim against their insurance company, they will need to present proof of damages in order for the claim to be processed; it can be a stressful task. Homeowner’s are advised to keep their important photos and videos, which can be used a s a proof for insurance companies, in a safe place.
It is also important for homeowners to inform their insurance companies of the accident as soon as possible. The insurance company’s response time is dependent on the homeowner’s ability to submit all required documents quickly and properly filled out.

If your property has suffered damages resulting from a broken pipe or flood, an adjuster can greatly assist you with the daunting task of properly documenting the loss, preparing repair estimates, and reporting the claim timely so that it can be processed and settled as quickly as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact your insurance adjusters at Insurance Claim Solutions, Inc. to assist with during these difficult times.